Unison League Wiki
Gear-Flag of Japan Render
This Article or File contains content that is currently exclusive to the Japanese version of Unison League, and has not yet been released onto the global version of the game.

Some of the information may be inaccurate or is likely to change, and it is currently unknown whether or not the content will be released into the global version of the game.

緋竜の鱗槍(レプリカ) 緋竜の鱗槍(レプリカ)

Gear-緋竜の鱗槍(レプリカ) Render

Rarity: SR Super Rare
Element: None None
Cost: 18
Reforge: Reforge Gear Icon 001 Reforge Gear Icon 002
Infusion Limit: No
Type: Lance Lance
Basic: 1
Max: 1
Basic: 629 221
Max: 629 221
With +99: 629 221
With +198 and Class/Shared/Sub Traits
Class/Shared/Sub Traits: Soldier Lancer Archer Mage Cleric Rook Berserker Treasure Hunter
ATK ATK 773 1075 754 754 754 754 754 880
ATK with Pole Up Lv Pole Up Lv.1 786 N/A 767 767 767 N/A 767 893
ATK with both Pole Up Lv Pole Up Lv 798 N/A 779 779 779 N/A 779 905
MATK MATK 265 265 265 271 271 265 265 309
With Class/Shared/Sub Traits and Demolition Lance: Extreme:
ATK ATK 899 1201 880 880 880 880 880 1006
ATK with Pole Up Lv Pole Up Lv.1 912 N/A 893 893 893 N/A 893 1018
ATK with both Pole Up Lv Pole Up Lv 924 N/A 905 905 905 N/A 905 1031
MATK MATK 309 309 309 316 316 309 309 353
Element-Elemental Attack Icon Elemental Attack
Fire Water Wind Light Dark Time Star None
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-elemental Weapon Gear provide 0 Elemental Attack for all Elements.



 レッドドラゴンキラー 大


How to Obtain: (?)
Reforge Path:
Reforged From: N/A
Reforges Into: 緋竜の鱗槍 緋竜の鱗槍
Gold Needed: N/A
Reforge Requirements for 緋竜の鱗槍(レプリカ):


Go to: Weapon EncyclopediaSR
Menu-Limipedia Button Limipedia Entry (N/A)

Notice: Basic and Max stats for Gear in the Unison League Wikia are from the Encyclopedia section of the game, as information from a player's inventory may have different stats from the Class and Shared Traits applied to the Gear. The game's Encyclopedia do not apply these additional stats.

Some Max Infusion stats in the Wikia are calculated from rough estimates. These are marked with a Template until official Max Infusion stats are given in the game.

The Gear pages are best viewed in Desktop mode.


  • This Weapon Gear is part of the collaboration of Unison League and Dragon League.